We are all comprised of unique bodily regulators- known in Ayurvedic medicine as the three Doshas - Pitta, Kapha, and Vata. These Doshas either liberate us or imbalance us - learn how to bring them into harmony with day-to-day choices.
Learn how the body speaks through sensations instead of numbing with vices. With this form of somatic awareness, we can break through patterns like binge eating and punishing diets. I am so excited for you!
1 month of support through a digestive reset protocol, weekly virtual meetings and message support in-between, a full body map analysis consult, cleanse recipes, customized daily formula for diet, lifestyle, routines, and embodiment practices to ensure the body is primed to let go and then rebuild with a strong new foundation.
Begin your transformation with the first critical step of any journey: Understanding. We discuss your unique constitution and uncover the infinite possibilities within yourself based on your homeostatic expression.