Download The Free 10 Day Digestion Reset Protocol


I take deep and passionate pride in what I do - and have personally undergone more than one “transformation” myself.

After years of relying on conventional  medicines, I came to Ayurveda and discovered (or rediscovered) the intimate connection we have with our bodies, with all things we consume, and nature.

Studying the ancient sciences behind Aryuvedia felt like remembering. And as a late great once said, “memory knows before knowing remembers.”

I can't wait to celebrate this amazing transformation you've chosen to begin!

Embrace The journey

What Will You
achieve in a body that glows from the inside out?!


(A)PPLE : Acceptance
A full Ayurvedic assessment and analysis of current body map, doshas, balances and imbalances.


A(P)PLE : Purpose
Why are you starting this journey? What is your energetic purpose to becoming your happiest healthiest most balanced self?


AP(P)LE : Poop
This is where we flush down in the form of detox, nutritive cleansing , and potentially uncomfortable removal of vices until you no longer have to hold onto that which does not belong.


APP(L)E : Level Up
After clearing and making space, there is room to fill up with  what aligns with your highest self.  Time to  consume  more of what lights  you up!


APPL(E) : Expand
After reaching the momentary zenith, you get to choose  a new summit to climb. There are no limits! 

A Never-Ending Story
Embracing the journey means learning to love every dip and dive, tuck and turn, alley and amble of the journey. Balance is not a state, but a movement! 

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What's Your Goal?

Expand Your Ayurvedic Understanding
Learn More

Ayurvedic Group

Healing occurs when we are witnessed without judgement and celebrated for our truth.

The Ayurvedic Group Cleanse includes: 
* A community of like minded humans
* Anti-inflammatory recipes & support
* Traditional Kitchari Cleanse recipe + support
* Nutrition Consultation
* 21 days of guided meditation
* Mindful movement practices to support digestion
* Ayurvedic techniques to ease the nervous system to allow for release while. cleansing


The Balancing Method
VIP Experience

For those of us ready to dive head first into a transformation of mind, body, and soul.

The VIP Balancing Experience Includes: 
* Ayurvedic Body Map & Pathogenesis Assessment
* Somatic Inquiry - learn how to regulate your nervous system & experience life through your brilliant senses
* Custom Ayurvedic Cleanse
* Nutrition Consultation & Support
* Release from generations of unhealthy habits
* 1:1 Holistic Health Accountability & Coaching
* Guided meditations
* And so much more


Speaking & Workshops

Pay what you can workshops to keep you all updated on living optimally with the seasonal transitions (as transitions are where imbalances tend to occur). From optimizing our wellbeing with the sun and moon to obeying the seasons, balance includes dancing with the flow of nature. And I don’t know about you but I am all about living a life flowing down stream rather than fighting to swim up it.


Body Scan & Dosha Discovery

Begin your transformation with the first critical step of any journey: Understanding and Acceptance. Learn how your unique mind, body, and energy type may be leading to those physical and energetic ailments like gas, bloating, and fatigue. Plus, receive tools & practices specific to your needs to start optimizing your health.

Get Started
Comunity Is Key
Let's Get Social
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