Healing Eczema with Ayurveda
Can I heal my eczema with holistic medicine? How long would it take?
This piece breaks down eczema and allergies from the perspective of ancient wisdom. Many elements used in the 5,000-year-old of Ayurveda are finally being proven by science today. Many people have been able to alleviate their symptoms by using Eastern Medicine to find the root cause of their imbalances (including me).
However, every journey is unique so it is important to consult with your Ayurvedic practitioner or Functional Doctor to implement changes safely.
Symptoms Suck!
According to Ayurveda, allergies can show up differently for each Dosha type, for the sake of this article we will discuss the Dosha (the unique physical and mental structure), that may experience eczema when imbalanced. This Dosha is Pitta - the ruler of Fire and also constitutes water.
Some primary causes of eczema and allergies, according to Ayurveda, are:
- Genetics
- Weak Agni, or digestive fire
- A person’s state of vykruti, or imbalance
- The presence of ama, inadequately digested substances that become toxic, interfering with the body’s natural processes.
Weak Agni = there is ama in the body. In other words, an improperly functioning digestive system = there are harmful elements (toxins) present in the body.
That said, it is safe to say having skin sensitivities are more common for people with ama (toxins) in their system because this means the body’s natural functioning process is tainted.

BUT HOW DOES EXCESS AMA RESULT AS ACCUMULATED HEAT IN THE BODY?Ama = substances that the body can not properly assimilate. As a result it damages the body’s natural functions.
We can accumulate too much heat/ Pitta qualities when we:
- Have too much sour, salty, and pungent foods. Some include:
- Sour = Citrus Foods, Vinegars, and many fermented foods or drinks like alcohol, sour milk products like yogurt
- Salty = Pork, Bone Marrow / Fat, Eggs, Mussels, Miso, Feta Cheese, Soy Sauce
- Pungent = Ginger, garlic, raw onions, white radish, red radish, scallions, wasabi, spices
- These foods can be balancing and helpful for a body that needs them. However, It is always possible to have too much of something which is what we are discussing here is excess.
- Overstimulating our aggression, anger, and compulsive behaviors

Once a person accumulates excessive heat, they may experience symptoms including:
- Irritated eyes; itchy, burning, and/ or red
- Red rashes, hives, allergic dermatitis, eczema, redness of the skin, acne, and/ or pustule formations of the skin
- Heartburn
- Acid Reflux
- Nausea
- Diarrhea

Now, what does a person experiencing these allergies do? I have put an asterisk * next to what I have tried and what has worked for me with my eczema.
Manage Pitta related allergies by:
- Avoiding spicy, salty, sour foods, manage pungent foods, and concentrate on bitter and astringent tastes*
- Bitter = bitter melon, Japanese eggplant, turmeric, leafy greens, basil, jicama, aloe vera
- Astringent = cooked apples, pomegranates, pear, quinoa, legumes, tofu, sprouts, beans, lentils
- Cut the processed and greasy foods ASAP!*
- Cook your food including your veggies*
- Coriander juice
- Drinking coconut water (ideally from a coconut if sustainable)*
- Consider herbs like Shatavari, Guduchi, Triphala, Brahmi, Neem, Manjistha
- Herbal teas with fennel, ginger (in moderation), and saffron*
- Tikta Ghrita (ghee or clarified butter): Orally and/ or topically before showers*
- Avoid showing too often/ for too long so natural oils can rejuvenate the skin*
- Avoid certain fabrics, metals, synthetic materials, etc.*
- Therapeutic purgation as advised by a practitioner helps to eliminate excess Pitta and heat from the body which usually leads to allergic reactions.
- Bloodletting is also very useful by way of donating some blood occasionally or as advised by Ayurvedic doctor.
- Aromatherapy with herbs like sandalwood and rose while performing breathing/ mindfulness practices.*
- Neti Pot in the mornings then use Neysa oil drops*
- Avoid direct contact with sun and extremely hot conditions for longer than 10min spans.*
- Exercise during the cooler part of the day*
- Lean toward more grounding physical activities like Yin yoga, Pilates, Swimming, Walking, and Tai Chi*
- Morning mirror mantras while brushing your teeth such as:
- May there be well-being for all, May there be peace for all. May there be wholeness for all, May there be happiness for all.
- May all beings be happy, May all beings be free, May all beings be free from suffering.*
- May the thoughts, words, and actions contribute to happiness and freedom for all*

ECZEMA FREE IN 2019I started practicing holistic medicine in 2017 and cleared my eczema almost completely within 6 months!
Yoga for balancing Pitta related allergies:*
- Moon salutations
- Moon position
- Spinal twists
- Breathing exercises:
- Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing)
- Shitali Pranayama (breathing through the mouth and over the tongue)
- Shitkari Pranayama (hissing breath)

STANDING HALF MOONThis pose releases tension from the gallbladder energy pathway (meridian) which is associated with anger and frustration. These emotions if our of control or if suppressed can lead to Pitta imbalances.
As a predominant Pitta Dosha I have dealt with eczema my whole life, from my feet up to my eyes. Many of these practices have finally brought down the heat, relieved me from suffering, and has made me a present and joyful being.
Today, many of the people I work with and my relationship to eczema is one of great communication, compassion, and ease. This process can be as quick as 1 month, 6 months, or maybe 1 year like it was for me. It will depend on the level of imbalances, one’s willingness to implement change and the priority personal health holds in their lives. If informing yourself about these practices here has resonated as something that may help you, reach out for a free consultation to discuss what the best next best is for you to come back into balance.