Cord Cutting From Generational Patterns

Scientists have found that memories can be passed on through our RNA (Ribonucleic acid) as a form of “epigenetic inheritance.”
During a study, several mice were put in a chamber with the strong scent of cherry blossoms and then given an electric shock. This associated the smell of the flowering buds with pain. Over time, generations of their offspring were also born fearful of the cherry blossom smell.
In humans, holding onto epigenetic inheritance could look like; fear of the ocean, fear of heights, or fear of relationships. It could also show up in our belief systems through our conscious or subconscious such as; believing there is no such thing as a happy marriage, or thinking that constant aggression is okay and equates to “tough love”, believing money is the root of all evil, thinking a stick-thin or extremely muscular body is the only sign of beauty, or so many other toxic beliefs that hinder us from embodying out highest self.
More often than not, the cords and ties ingrained within our DNA were put in place to keep someone safe. However, as we grow, as our environments change, and as we notice the twisted shared history does not progressively serve us, we must let go.
Repeating patterns and wounds in defense of something that is no longer real takes conscious action of subconscious energy. This energy is what is feeding a belief system put in place long ago.
When you recognize these patterns and choose to cut the cord from them, you are not only freeing yourself from a limiting belief. You are also liberating your ancestors who were affected before you, and everyone who will come after you.
Items you will need:
- Paper (2 pieces)
- Writing Tool
- Bowl with Water
- Lit candle
- Warm Herbal Tea or Spring Water
- About 30min of your dedicated, intentional time

1. Bring yourself into a comfortable space where you feel secure, if you have access to being by a body of water go there. This must be a space where you can use your voice.
Take multiple breathes.
Invite in your ancestors with the highest intention in mind. Include your plant and animal ancestors as well.
Call in your highest self into the space.
2. On a piece of paper, write out exactly what you are releasing. What belief are you choosing to let go of? In what ways has this belief system served you and or those who came before you? Why does it no longer serve you? Be specific. Write in detail. Use names, emotions, outcomes, anything that comes up, put it down.
3. Read what you wrote out loud. Really understand and feel why this belief system was created and why it is no longer needed in your life or in the lives of those who come after you.
4. Then take 5 deep and slow breaths as you use your middle finger and index finger to make finger scissors. Cut (open and close with the finger scissors) in-front of your chest as you take the 5 (or more) deep breaths.
5. Rip the paper up as you blow air out of your mouth as if you were blowing out a fire.
6. Keep your bowl of water close and take your candle - set one piece of the paper on fire at a time and let it fall into the water bowl (or the body of water if it is safe and will not cause fire damage).
7. Pull out 1 strand of hair for all who came before you who were effected by this belief system and have passed away. Pull out a second hair for everyone alive and effected by this belief system today. Pull out a third hair for you and everything this belief has effected in your life. Pull out a fourth and final strand for everyone who will come after you in your bloodline who would have been effected by this belief system if it was not for the choice you are making right now.
8. Throw the pieces of hair one by one with all of your body all of your energy outside or out into the ocean. THROW, THRASH, SCREAM. Do not hold anything back.
9. Use your hands to wipe your body as you blow out your mouth again. As if you were wiping away ash from head to toe.
10. Take a seat, on your second sheet of paper, write down what belief system you are filling in place of that which you just released? What are you welcoming in with love, excitement, and your highest value for you and everyone you connect to?
11. Read what you wrote out loud 3x with a smile on your face.
12. You may choose to keep the paper somewhere that you see it often.
13. Drink in that intention with the fresh water or herbal tea.
14. Take a few breaths with one hand on the belly the other on the heart.
15. You may flush the bowl of water and the pieces of paper down the toilet and wave goodbye!
16. MOST IMPORTANTLY -- Do something that is pleasurable. calming. regulating for the moment. Let your mind, body, spirit, ancestors, energy know this is a choice and you are okay. Examples could look like:
-- going for a walk
-- drinking water
-- hugging a tree
-- laying in the grass
You have the agency and intuition to change up this ceremony so it can honor your needs in this moment.
Take it slow.
This isn't about forcing cathartic releases.
This is about expressing your truth as you understand it today.

I would love to know how this goes for you.
Send me an email and we can honor your process together.