Are Pet Allergies Causing my Eczema?
Is my eczema caused by my allergies to pets? Why do I have allergies to pets anyway? Are pets good or bad for people with skin sensitivities?
The answers are certainly not straight forward but it is 100% possible to live in more comfort with your furry fam. I have compiled all of the relevant research and facts with regards to pets, eczema and allergies here for everyone who likes science. I also explain what has worked for me in real life as an adult newly living with a shedding pup!
Eczema And Causes
Rather, eczema can be triggered by a combination of factors that can include:
- Genetics
- Abnormal function of the immune system
- Environmental Toxins
- Activities that may cause skin and other organs to be more sensitive or not function optimally
- Defects in the skin barrier that don’t allow moisture in but do allow germs in
- Endocrine disorders
- Gut Dysbiosis
Many of the above can be managed holistically for sustainable results. However, there is no such thing as a quick fix that is permanent like a pill or one time shot.

Eczema, Animals, and Allergies
Now, let’s define allergies. Allergies are immune system reactions to foreign substances such as pollen, mold, or pet dander. The reaction occurs when in contact with the substance even though it is harmless. There are many reactions that can occur however, the one we will talk about here is inflammation of the skin. Direct contact with an allergy-causing substance like pet dander may trigger symptoms, such as:
- Raised, red patches of skin (hives)
- Eczema
- Itchy skin
So, if you have eczema and are allergic to animal dander, pets can set off your symptoms and create flare-ups. This may be due to the fact that one cause of eczema is an abnormal immune system as mentioned earlier.
To break down the immune system, recognize that it produces proteins known as IgE antibodies (more details on IgE later). These antibodies protect you from unwanted invaders that can affect our health. When you have allergies, your immune system makes antibodies that identify that allergen as something harmful even though it isn't, thus creating inflammatory responses.
This means any animal has the potential to trigger eczema if you have antibodies that identify their dander and/ or proteins in their saliva, pee and poop as harmful.
The animal’s hair is often blamed for causing reactions, but it’s actually the proteins in their saliva and the skin attached to their shedding hair follicles that are problematic.
It’s not you, or the pet to blame! It’s really the miss-communication between both of your proteins!
“My relationship with my pet doesn't change when my eczema flares because it's not his fault. It sucks when there are flare-ups but I try my best to use all the remedies that help to alleviate the symptoms.” - Emily Wong, Cat mom, and WMG corporate manager
If you want to geek out more about allergy proteins . . .
When a body has developed an allergy to certain proteins (which can happen for many reasons similar the listed Eczema causes above), come into contact with them, it causes the body to produce high levels of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. These are meant to fight off the allergens as if they’re harmful substances (even if they are not). THUS, symptoms of eczema are triggered.
However, you don’t need to be allergic to animal dander for them to trigger eczema flare-ups. Confusing I know, but as is science… If this is not making any sense, please jump to the Eastern Medicine perspective below.
Even if you are not allergic to animals and you enter an environment with your levels of IgE antibodies up, you become susceptible to flare-ups when exposed to any environmental trigger. This is why people with eczema can live in a house with pets and others can’t bear any contact. It all depends on what is going on inside the mind and body right upon exposure. (More about the mental connection to come).
Holistic Medicine Perspective:
In Eastern medicine, this is described as different levels of extreme heat. If you are dealing with a huge fire, dancing around it with flammable objects would likely set you on fire as well because the heat is not contained. However, if you are dealing with the fire from a tea light candle, you can likely dance around it just fine! You can learn more about healing allergies and eczema through Ayurveda here.
Full circle back to pet dander, if your eczema is highly inflamed (the fire is not contained AKA IgE antibodies are up), and being around pet dander will likely make your situation worse. However, if your eczema is under control; the skin is not broken, and you have not been itching much, hanging out with pets with great hygiene will likely be okay!
Tame the mental fire too. Stress weakens the immune system so your relation to it is very important when getting a pet.
Consider this, what creates more stress and anxiety for you:
a) The thought that having a pet will be miserable because of my eczema or allergies.
b) The thought of never being able to have a pet because of my eczema or allergies.
We have pets to bring joy and love into our lives. It is important to understand where your focus sits because it will significantly affect the way your body reacts around the animal. Exercises as simple as writing the phrase “I feel great around fury animals” 10x in the morning and at night can help rewire the neural pathways in the brain to ease anxiety around pets.
What About Hypoallergenic Pets?
There’s no proof that hypoallergenic cats, dogs, or other animals are better for people with allergies or eczema according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. However, many people including myself have experienced far milder symptoms with pets like Poodles and Malteses as their hair tends to come off in the shower and when brushing. Unlike most other animals who’s hair is falling all over the damn place!
The lack of proof of true hypoallergenic animals is due to the fact that it is the dander/ skin which is attached to the hair, saliva, poop, and pee that triggers the allergy. Though, some pets poop and pee outside and that is helpful in terms of maintaining a less triggering environment!
It’s also worth noting that some (more often young children) can build up resistance to pet-induced eczema. This is exciting to know because for me and for many of you, there is no doubt the time will come when it is time to introduce a furry family member into the home. And this time came for me last week!

Journalling 10x in the morning and 10x at night for 2 weeks before getting the dog the phrase:
"I do very well around fury animals" has done wonders for me. This work is re-wiring the brain so that I do not feel stressed or anxious thinking about my eczema and approaching the dog. Instead, I am calm, aware, and know what I need to do in case I feel a flare-up coming on.
- For your skin: Keeping a spray bottle of apple cider vinegar and water + cooling aloe lotion with peppermint around in case the cutie licks the neck or other sensitive areas. Rinse the area with a warm washcloth, spray, then apply lotion.
- Conditioning allergy wipes. Conditioning is important because just like us with eczema, we know when we have moisturized skin we shed less!
- Brush the pet regularly to remove dead skin cells (ideally outside) AFTER using conditioning wipes.
- Even better to wear a mask that you can wash.
- Resist temptation to wash pet frequently. The more you wash, the dryer the skin and more they will flake. Again, just like us eczema warriors!
- Instead wipe between washes with a dog coat conditioner to remove loose dander, moisturize, plus our little one loves it! For cats use this conditioner instead.
- Shampoo + conditioner that breaks down the protein in their dander, and oils of their skin when it is time to wash.
- Cat owners, wear a mask when cleaning cat box as urine is rich in the allergy causing protein.
- Keep your pet and their toys out of bed!
- You will have all day (and night if they are puppies) to be together.
- This is 8 hours of critical time where your body and cells can reset and rejuvenate.
- Wash pet toys frequently to remove dried saliva
- Consider a small animal
- To reduce the risk small animals can be a better choice, the smaller in size the less dander they have to shed.
- Vacuum with a HEPA filtered vacuum at least 1x a week. (HEPA - manufactured, tested, certified, and labeled in accordance with HEPA filter standards).
- Be sure the vacuum has a bag as to not expose yourself to allergens when emptying dust.
- Wear a mask when emptying dust.
- Dander Denaturing Agents after vacuuming (sprays or powders available).
- Some can stain, recommend this spray because it is effective and can be used on all surfaces.
- Spray-on furniture, counters, sides of tables, and chairs.
- Air purifier
- There are a lot on the market and after a lot of research and especially this comparison review there was no doubt that Intellipure is the best. A steep price I know but that’s because it is the best!
- I keep it on low all day and turn it off at night
- Humidifier
- Dermatologist and instructor at the Harvard Medical School Elizabeth Page, MD says “because people with eczema don't hold enough moisture in their skin, one of the worst irritants for eczema is dry air.”
- I keep off during the day and turn on while I sleep. When I wake up my skin is so moisturized!
- Go after dust mites.
- Most people who have atopic eczema are allergic to dust mites.
- Consider a plastic, zippered mattress and pillow covers
- Wash bedding every one or two weeks in hot water (130°F or above).
- Remove carpets where you can
- Stay as clutter-free as possible to avoid dander and dust accumulation.
Have play dates first! Spend time with the breed of pet you want to adopt or visit friends and relatives with the same type of pet you are considering. This way you can test your reactions before committing. Take note of any changes in your symptoms the more you spend time with them to make as informed of a decision as possible.
Avoid the face. Always wash your hands after playing before touching your face, and other sensitive areas. Make their wet noses and licks stay clear of sensitive areas too.
Make sure it’s really a pet allergy. Ask your doctor if you need tests and know if you are prone to anaphylactic shocks before considering a pet. Remember those IgE antibodies, you could have a reaction to anything triggering in the environment like dust-mites, mold, or if you are in the city, cockroaches! If this is the case, work to lower that fire (i.e. those reactive antibodies), and then re-introduce the idea in as controlled of an environment as you can.

Fam remember, Eczema comes and goes over time. Just as our cravings come and go and our emotions ebb and flow. Additionally, like attracts like and we can use this knowledge to our advantage. A fire will grow with more fire close by, microscopic food particles left on the tongue will make you crave more of that food, anger grows in environments of rage, and when the skin is very dry and sensitive, exposure to common irritants can make it worse.
So get informed through information like what you read here {CHECK}, next give our body a fighting chance by creating a balanced environment, continue to tune into the factors that work for you to feel balanced, and thus you will handle triggers with grace, awareness, and comfort, doing what is best for you as an individual.
If living with a furry family member brings you great joy, you are worth that! The amazing hygiene that must come with it is just a bonus!