We look to nature as a teacher. She shows us how we can live in flow and move with more grace. But it can be hard to find a flow if our environment is dysregulating, food is toxic, and if there is no community around with a shared goal to work toward. Thus - Cafe Āyu is underway! When you add this to your cart and check out for free, you are letting us know that -- YOU SUPPORT THIS MISSION!
Upon sign up you will receive a form to fill in. This will help us connect what the body, mind, and soul requires to return back to homeostasis.
We will meet over zoom for a 1 - 2 hour call (depending on your needs). You will leave the call with immediate tools to return to a state of balancing. I will also send a follow up email with notes & recommendations.
I'm not only a coach - I'm a practicing student - and your ego's worst nightmare - and, more than that, a loving mirror. I'm here to help you release what needs to be shed, nourish what needs to be feed, and celebrate what you get to acknowledge. If we want to move swiftly, we get support - let me help you step into the power of being your own greatest healer!
Much is marinating at this time my friends and family! I hope you join us as we make this dream of having a physical space a reality. If you want to gather, nourish, learn, feel, heal, and expand together in a cozy and SENSEational space, please share your support. Just contact Veronica by checking out here and share with others what is brewing!
will be a "co-healing cafe." This is an idea that came through over the years of trying to support my health while staying connected to others. This is a space to:
* Recharge with nourishing foods
* Receive treatment geared toward digestive regulation (the center of radiant health as according to āyurvedic medicine)
* Collaborate with like minded people and stay motivated to be a part of this wonderful web of a whole and liberated world
* Join workshops and learn from mentors who are masters in the field of holism
* Experience life through all of your felt senses so we can get really good at living an embodied life (instead of strictly virtual one).
How to stay tuned and be a part of the space?
Add the free Cafe Ayu product to your cart and check-out so we know others are craving these kind of yummy and healing experiences too.
Be Cozy,
Be Creative,
Be Nourished,
Be Together,
Be With Nature,
Be Sense-ational
Be Your Whole Self
During our initial consultation call we'll dive into what physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments and bothering you and what's bubbling up in need of addressing. Let's see what you need to change and see how we can build a plan to start the process.
We work together with your body scan and Dosha assessment along with your personal goals and timelines to design the perfect plan that we can put into motion together.
If you continue to have sessions past the initial consult, we schedule calls, have email updates to keep you informed on all the essentials you'll need during your journey, and 1:1 chat/video support through enclosed/data protected app, I'll be here for you through every step of the journey.